Anatomy and Art

a blog by Sara Egner

Archive for the ‘DICOM’ tag

Art from a Scan

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Sometimes people send me things; links, images, stories, things related to medical art.

Today someone sent me the winning image of the 2007 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge, entitled “What lies behind our nose” created by Kai-hung Fung.

What lies behind our nose

This is a great example of the kinds of things that can be done when scanning technology meets art.  The image started as a CT scan from a 33 year old woman, who was being examined for thyroid disease.

I’m not sure what kind of software Fung used here, but if you want to experiment with this kind of art a little yourself, you might start with a freeware copy of OsirX.
(Sorry PC users, but this one is Mac only)

From there, you have some options regarding what kind of tissue you want to select for, how colors are displayed, as well as the ability to cut pieces away, or turn your model.  It takes some getting used to, and I am by no means an expert with this one yet, but the results can be downright cool.  It’s also just a nice way to be able to view DICOM images on your own computer.  If you don’t have access to any DICOM images, and you still want to try some of this first hand, you can always download one of the sample image sets available.

You can read more about Kai-hung Fung’s piece, as well as the other 2007 Visualization Challenge winners here.

Written by Sara

July 21st, 2009 at 3:16 am

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