Anatomy and Art

a blog by Sara Egner

My First Patient

without comments

**This post has been removed.  While it did not contain images of the patient, it did contain images of the auricular prosthesis that I made, and underlying acrylic substructure.  It spoke of my enjoyment in working with a patient for the first time, and of how an acrylic substructure works in an implant retained prosthesis.  It spoke of intrinsic and extrinsic coloring.

I have been asked to broaden my interpretation of PHI (personal health information) to include any images of any prosthesis made for a patient as well as any materials in development for a prosthesis (ie mixed color samples, or an acrylic substructure).  I will try to find ways to speak about these processes in a more strictly theoretical capacity and without images in the future.

My apologies to those reading for the lost post.  It was mostly about my enthusiasm in working for a patient for the first time.  And it was also about working under someone new and therefore getting to soak in some new ideas and ways of doing things that I hadn’t been exposed to yet. **

Written by Sara

September 22nd, 2010 at 7:06 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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