Anatomy and Art

a blog by Sara Egner

Archive for the ‘surgical’ tag

Surgical Media

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Yesterday I met with a very interesting man on campus, Chet Childs, about doing an independent study with him.  The original thought was to learn about medical and scientific photography from him, but it looks like he’s doing a lot of surgical video work as well, which I have also been interested in for quite some time.  I have a strong background in both photography and video editing.  These were my primary means of income when I lived in LA.  So finding someone who is using those kinds of skills in this, my new world of medicine and anatomy is such a perfect move for me.  Sadly, I hear this is a dying niche, budget cuts, and these hard economic times, and all those lines we’ve all heard so very many times at this point.  But there seems to be a need.  So I’m going to look into this.

photo by Dexter Roberts

photo by Dexter Roberts

Written by Sara

September 4th, 2009 at 9:52 am

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