Anatomy and Art

a blog by Sara Egner

Archive for the ‘introduction’ tag

Hello and Welcome

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Hello and welcome to the Anatomy and Art Blog!  As the name would suggest, this is a place that delves into matters both anatomical and artistic, but particularly the line where those two worlds meet.  As a student of biomedical visualization, I find myself explaining to a lot of people just what does science have to do with art and vice versa.  At the same time, I find people who really study one field or the other inevitably find themselves coming back to the other side.  Whether it is the scientist who marvels at the beauty and grace of the human form, or struggles with how to aptly present the elegance of something just discovered, or the artist who has studied color and form and technique, but always finds themselves drawn back to that inevitable most interesting subject, us.   So please join me, in taking a look at this line between supposedly opposite worlds.

Written by Sara

July 17th, 2009 at 4:58 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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