Anatomy and Art

a blog by Sara Egner

Archive for the ‘brachial plexus’ tag

Gross Anatomy

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It never ceases to amaze me just how much there is to know when you take an anatomy class.  Last spring it was all craniofacial anatomy.  And it was enough to fill an entire semester.  I broke a large binder with so many notes!  And now I find myself back in Gross Anatomy.  I started the class once before, but I wasn’t ready for it then.  I’m much more prepared this time, but my goodness, I’d forgotten how much there is to know, and fast too.  We’re currently looking at the axilla with special attention to the brachial plexus.  So of course I thought I’d post a couple of found images of that space.

The first is from the UNC website, and I just like the illustration.  I’ve always been a fan of combining photography with illustration like that.


And the second is a classic Netter image.  Because it is clear, and because I’ll probably want to look at it myself tomorrow when I’m studying…


Written by Sara

August 30th, 2009 at 3:45 am