Anatomy and Art

a blog by Sara Egner


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Lately there has been a technological glitch between Firefox’s new Flash upgrade, and the design behind WordPress blogs which has kept me from being able to upload images here. For as much as we use technology to create the things we want, it sure does get in the way a lot too. Well I believe I just found the work around. So here is a nice big photo to celebrate…

That is actually one of my photos, as well as my hand (well the living one anyways). The bones were courtesy of UIC’s collection that gets handed out for reference among students taking Gross Anatomy.

And if any of you reading here are also bloggers and encountering difficulty uploading images to your own sites, I found the fix here…

What they don’t tell you is that disabling the Shockwave Flash plugin will affect your browser experience in other ways.  In my case, I noticed that video goes offline when I have it disabled.  But what you can do, is disable Shockwave Flash for just the time it takes you to upload your images, and then go back and re-enable it.  Now that your files have been loaded, you can access them as you normally would.

There is little more frustrating than being blocked in our creative endeavors by technical errors and glitches.  Unfortunately, the more programs we bring into our efforts, the more common this problem becomes.  Just the trouble of our times I guess.

Written by Sara

August 4th, 2009 at 4:40 pm

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