Anatomy and Art

a blog by Sara Egner

thoughts on medicine and art

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Well, first things first, I’m in Dallas!  It was a long drive down, but a good one I’d say.  As is typical for me on long drives, my brain got to bubbling over as the miles passed by, and this particular drive I found myself thinking about an undeniable difference between medicine and art.

Somewhere barreling south on I-55 through Illinois with Johnny Cash singing about how he’s gonna break his rusty cage and run, I got to thinking about how art is so largely about putting our humanity on display, about letting people see more of ourselves.  But medicine, while it does explore the inner workings of humans, seems to minimize expressions of humanity on the part of medical professionals.  They are expected rather, to be above humanity, behind the white lab coat, infallible.

I don’t believe I’d ever quite recognized that juxtaposition before.  And it is one that I think I’ve been feeling for a while now, just without really recognizing what it is.

Anyway, this traveler has arrived, and just this morning I began my anaplastology internship in Dallas.  More on that to come, but so far so good.  I’ve also got my big computer set up out here, so expect more posts on animation as well.  The sun is shining and old friends have been so kind as to take me in for my time out here.

It’s good being in Texas again.

Written by Sara

March 1st, 2011 at 6:45 pm

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