Anatomy and Art

a blog by Sara Egner

Animating in a Snowstorm

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The City of Chicago is buried under blankets upon blankets of snow.  And I am taking the day to work on my animation project.  I have literally been working on getting this skull in proper shape for months now.  And it is sooooo close!

For those of you who do not work in 3D animation programs, this is the kind of screen I have been living with of late…

All that mess, and when you zoom out, it’s just…

I’ve been doing this all the way around the skull, slowly stitching edges together.  And now I’m patching up the parts where the CT scattered due to metal pieces on the plastic skull we placed in there.

It’s been a long process, but I intend to finish this today.  I have a bowl full of braces for modeling next, (yes, my skull is getting braces) and then I can put together an animated storyboard.  I need to ask fast, because the semester is flying by and I intend to present this work for graduation in April along with a paper detailing the process and what I have learned from it.  It never feels like enough time, but I still believe it can be done.

So you just keep on keepin’ on out there, Snowmageddon.  I’ve got plenty to do right here inside.

Written by Sara

February 2nd, 2011 at 4:16 pm

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