Anatomy and Art

a blog by Sara Egner


without comments

Well today pretty much wraps the semester for me. It’s been one long and crazy stressful week, but I’ve survived it now.   I need to say that part of this week’s stress comes down to a request I have received to censor certain information from this very blog.   I hope to say more about that in the weeks to come, but I’m not entirely sure how to even discuss the situation at this point.  I did want to say however that there are at least a few posts I will be altering or cutting outright.  And I wanted to make clear that I will always be upfront about edits that happen long after initial publication. I believe that a blog like this looses authenticity when an author is constantly going back and re-writing things, changing the past.  This is, at its root, a log of my experiences delving into medical art.  And at present it is a log of my experiences in grad school.  So it is my promise to you, my awesome readers, that any changes made or information removed will be clearly labeled as such.  I also promise to keep changes to a minimum.  I feel good about the work I’ve done here, and I don’t plan to go undoing it all now.  Can you believe I’ve been doing this since 2008 now?  It’s about to be 2011 already!  Time does fly.   But I have to say that this particular week, I am happy to see flap it’s little wings on by.  I am ready for a break indeed!

Written by Sara

December 11th, 2010 at 1:56 am

Posted in Uncategorized